Radio Interview of Dr. Susmit Kumar on Every Sunday

I will be giving radio interviews at about 10:20AM on each Sunday for about half an hour on an Indian Radio which one can listen on internet also – from anywhere from the world:
One can listen on radio in NY and NJ areas. The host introduced me as the disciple of Sri Sri Anandamurtiji and follower of Ananda Marga.  Couple of days ago one Penn State professor introduced the host to me.
Today was the first day. It went well. I talked about Karma and re-birth (i.e. every one has to take birth according to one samskara) – I explained on the basis of potential energy and gave importance to meditation.
When a person goes to Niagara Falls, he sees the beautiful water dropping from such a height. But if you will go there, then you (having a background in science) may think that water has potential energy (P.E.) on top which is converted into kinetic energy (K.E.) at the bottom and this K.E. can be converted into electricity. Suppose you pick up a book from the floor and place on a table, the book “gains potential energy” (=mgh). We do not calculate this PE and add to this book, but there is an in-built mechanism in this Universe (or Mother nature) which adds this PE to this book.

We did not have concept of these energies (PE, KE, Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, etc.) 300-400 years ago. Our science is just 200-300 years old and it does not have knowledge about all the scientific laws of Universe (i.e. Mother Nature) which is billions of years old. There might be millions of scientific laws which “our present day science” may not have knowledge. Every religion says that one day we will have to reap whatever we are doing. According to the theory, in which I believe in, whatever we do, think or speak, there is an in-built mechanism in this Mother Nature which attaches an energy to “us” (soul?) so that we will reap accordingly. Hence if I will hurt any one, then actually I AM HURTING MYSELF as I have to reap whatever I am doing (i.e. Mother Nature is not going to leave me – although it may take time).
Next week, the host is going to interview me on my book.

Susmit Kumar

A New Book by Dr. Susmit Kumar

Available for Immediate Interview

Contact:  Dr. Susmit Kumar 513-754-0547


Why American Troops Won’t Affect the Outcome in Iraq

Middle East Expert Details the Final Outcome of Islamic Militancy


Discussion Topic


The handling of the war in Iraq is the single most divisive issue in America today.  Whether or not the U.S. Government should withdraw, surge or stay the course is debated in barbershops, at kitchen tables and in Pentagon offices.  Middle East Expert Dr. Susmit Kumar lays out in his new book “The Modernization of Islam” why American troops can no longer serve a purpose in Iraq and how America’s current presence is just delaying the inevitable:  Islamic Extremists taking over the Iraqi Government.  However, Dr. Kumar uses history to reveal why this is actually a necessary step for Iraq to become a Democracy.    


Talking Points


·        Is it time for the United States to withdraw from Iraq?

·        American presence or not, why do you believe it is inevitable that Islamic Extremists will succeed in overrunning the Iraqi Government?


·        How is the current Islamic civilization similar to early 20th century Europe?

·        Do you believe war is required to affect major change?

·        What exactly is a modernized Islam?

·        What about the country of Turkey provides you with so much hope?

·        Why Muslims attracted to what Islamic Extremists are offering?

·        Why do you predict Muslims will eventually reject Islamic Extremists?  


Topic Overview


With all that has been committed and allocated to fighting the war in Iraq, it is easy to see why this has become the most debated issue in America.  “But we have to leave,” Dr. Susmit Kumar powerfully contends.  “We cannot do anything more there and it is costing us money, resources and, most of all, our people.”


In his new book “The Modernization of Islam” Dr. Kumar explains how the United States is merely delaying the unavoidable outcome of Islamic Extremists seizing control of the Iraqi Government, “Believe it or not, this is actually a needed step for Islamic civilization to eventually become fully democratic.”


Dr. Kumar, Founding President of the Prout Institute of United States, draws parallels between early 20th century Europe and present day Islamic society, “Had Europe not endured the labor pains of World Wars I and II, it might still be ruled by Monarchs.”  Dr. Kumar further explains after Islamic nations succumb to the grips of extremists, the people will eventually rise up against fundamentalism. 


“It’s at that point the majority of Islamic nations will become secular and democratic, like Turkey,” continues Dr. Kumar, who once served on the India Administrative Service implementing and influencing government policy. 


Once Turkey gained it’s independence in 1923, nationalists introduced several radical political, cultural and social reforms including closing the Islamic courts.  It has remained free ever since shedding its fundamentalists rule.    


“Turkey is a shining example of 21st century or ‘Modern’ Islam; not the 7th century version being served up in other nations,” Dr. Kumar points out.  “But before that rebirth can occur in Iraq or any other Islamic nation, the labor pains have to take place.  That’s why America no longer serves a purpose in the metaphorical Islamic civilization’s ‘delivery room’!”


About Dr. Susmit Kumar


Dr. Susmit Kumar is the author of “The Modernization of Islam” and obtained his Ph.D. in only two and a half years from Pennsylvania State University.  Dr. Kumar is a previous member of the India Administrative Service, which influences and implements government policy.  He is also Founding President of the Prout Institute of United States.  Dr. Kumar has been published internationally with numerous articles on topics like international politics, history and economics.  He currently lives in Cincinnati, OH.  Dr. Kumar’s website is


To interview Dr. Susmit Kumar contact him at (513) 754-0547 or email 


Good News

Good News from Nine Sectors (RDS, WRDS)
Good News of Delhi Sector
Good news is always inspiring part of  ours organizational out turn report, which has its own importance in this phase of the organization. Appended bellow, are some good news from Delhi sector regional wise and the overseas sectors sector wise.

Allahabad region:
Ds varanasi Ac.  kalyanmitrananda avadhut addressed the students of MBA college ghazipur and inspired them for leading moral and spiritual life along with their pursuing academic career. Also at Agra by Ac.  Jamini brc. RS Sidhvidyananda Avt addressed Agra university. A narayan seva on 21.10.07were organized at Ghazipur, Allahbad, Jhasi.

Construction work Haridwar,  Barely.

Prabhat samgit at Haridwar on 14.09.07.

Seminar block level at Gorakhpur.

Kolkata region:
Baleshwar district of Orissa extended the worst rain caused by depression  in the bay of Bengal causing rain from 21st to 23rd  September. Worst affected was South Sadar block causing flood in Buda Balanga river. Amurt Baleshwar rushed in to relief work under the leadership of DS Baleswar under the banner of AMURT. District collector Baleshwar Dr. A.C. Pathiary issued appreciation  letter to AMURT  for yeomen services to the flood victim family . It served nearly 8000 people in 27 villages.

Jaipur region:
Public meeting – at Bhuj meeting was organized by RS Jaipur. Ac Lokanathananda Avt. also addressed BP Ed. college Bhinder. Medical camp at Udaipur was organized under the supervision and care of Dr  S K Verma .

Nrayan seva  – fruit distributed to 400 patients in Jaipur.

Ranchi region:
Prabhat Samgiit day celleberated at  Chiraiya tar Patna RS  Ranchi Ac. Avanindrananda Avt. was the chief guest . Also Prabhat Sangiit programme were organized at Bhopal, Jabalpur, Dagar, Rewa, Bilaspur, Ujjain,  Betiah,  Simdega.

Medical camp were organized at  Betiah, Bhagalpur, Muzafarpur, Ujjain.

Flood relief given to flood victim of Muzaffarpur 1500 person were provided relief.

DMS at Ananda palli
A historical DMS was organized on 13 ,14 oct at anandapalli  10,000 Margiis attended.

48 hour kiirtan was organized at Amjharia near Ranchi on October 8, 2007 200 blankets were distributed. Note books, cloths, Shoes, distributed. 500 poor people were fed.

Kaosiki day
Kaosiki day was celebrated at Ananda Marga school at Durga Bhopal on 6 September 2007.

Bangalore Region
A Narayan seva was done at Bangalore on 21st October 2007. 400 persons benefited regular Narayan seva is done at Salem.

Daily 20 old people are served with food at Madurai 250 people were served food.

Construction work
Construction work is under taken at Mysore, Malur, kolar. 5 class rooms constructed.

Mumbai Region
RAWA Mumbai organized cultural evening based on prabhat samgiita on 23 September 2007 to celebrate silver jubilee Prabhat samgiita. RAWA program organized at Shivaji stadium Mumbai Shri Madhuraj Mohan editor Hindmata was the chief guest.

Silver jubilee o Prabhat samgiita was celebrated at Solapur on 14 September 2007.

Fruit distribution – Apple were distributed to 500 patients in civil hospital Solapur.

Kathmandu region.
Food distributed to 100 persons at Kishanpur in Dhanusha district in Janakpu. 300 people were given cloths.

Prabhat samgiita day celebrated at Hitonda on 14 September 2007.

A Medical camp at Hitonda based on Yogic treatment was organized 20 patients were treated.


Berlin Region
Anewly renovated area in Madhu Karuna was approved last month to run food ( soya) industriy. German govt. sent written approval to start the industry.

AMURT Germany sent Euro 7,000 from one donor for the construction of congo school. Ac. Sarvajiitananda got 2000 Euro for same project form the collection in the public.

Prag Region
Last month Ananda Putta Bhumi master unit in Poland  under supervision of Ac. Vandiitananda Avt. Got inspection done  and got approval of EU community farms. The EU headed by German people inspected the farm and they were all agreed approved the project for increase funding.

A new Assistant Rector Ac Mahadeva Brc. Is posted,now he is doing a lot of work together with Dada Vanditananda and the Margiis.

Roma Region
Ac. Devavratananda Avt. Recently completed Ananda Kiirtan parikrama in Roma region 18 cities covered a non stop kiirtan along with many margiis in roma region.

A successful sectorial RAWA conference with help of RS Kunjabihari was held in Ananda Vipasa master unit in Italy. 45 people attended all europian Artist and members.

Avtk. Anand Praveda SWWS Berlin sector gave work shop in seminars in 3 cities. Daughter of famous international cloth company Benetton was initiated during seminar.

Amurtel of Roma Region raised 2000 Euro for the children home in Thailand.

Stockholm Region
RS Karunamaya with help of LFT brother and margiis Raised funds for Amurt Peru victim of an earthquack.

Didi Annapurna is continuing her visit in different Universities to present Prout. This time she presented 60 articles in the news paper about Prout.

Oslo Region
2 LFT passed from Denmark training centre.

Dada Gatimayananda now working in Iceland got his legal papers to work as missionary. Margiis arranged seminar and Prabhat Samgiita day with cultural program.

A very successful RAWA concert was held in the Oslo Jagriti, 100 people attended in total. RS and DS.Margiis who help the program was very happy for the event. Rawa Secretary Vasudeva told he will continue program like this to raise the consciousness of the people what is Ananda Marga about Music

Moscow Region
Ac. Krpamayananda Avt. SS Berlin got one year multiple entry visa for Russia. He visited Moscow and Belgorade. Margiis with help of Avtk. Ananda Cetana Ac. Organized Seminar and public talk in Moscow 16 attended.

Magriis in Belgorade organized public talk in heart of city 18 people attended talk on 7 secret of success and Bio Psychology.

Special class on 7 secrets to improve meditation.

Avtk.A.Cetana Ac. Organized a seminar in Belgorade 45 Margiis came from different part of Russia,a lot of Blissful Kiirtana,Satsaunga,Dharma Shastra  all the participants went back inspired for the program and asking more programs.

As a result of this seminar  5 very good Margiis went to participate a seminar in Seberia under Hong Kong Sector.

London Region.
Ireland WWD master unit hold a work camp and two sisters got iniated by Avtk. A.Prama. A vegetarian cooking class is going on for the new people.

Construction of the Dharma Cakra Hall is in a full swing it will be finished soon. Dada Kamalesvarananda gave University lectures organized Vegitarian dinner to raise funds for AMURT projects.

Manila sector

Sanklaburi a border town between Thailand and Myanmar, Ananda Marga runs three projects

1) Children home for girls with 108 inmates.

2) A school run by didis with 260 students,

3) Children home for boys with 50 inmates.

These three projects are attracting the attention of the general public in general and Ananda Marga society member in particular.

Our children boys and girls are receiving the skill training in Mechanical, electrical engineering and sewing training.

A fasting camp was organized in Kuching the capitol of Sawak state in east Malaysia. 50 people attended. This camp gave them health and happiness.

Brother Lokesvara an active margii form Petaling, Java unit. Near kolalampur conducts regular yoga class attended by 80 to 100 students every week. He organized youth camp in the Dusin  resort .

In Hanoi we have 600 yoga students and 45 full time yoga teachers .A yoga conference was organized on October 12 and 13 which attended 177 people . Dada Arnavananda Dada Udvelananda .Dada Sumitananda and Didi Amrita gave  philosophy classes 6 brother  and 11 sisters  took initiation . new amps unit formed in Hanoi city .

A Conference organized in Ho chin minh city  on October 6&7 2007. attended by 120 Margiis ,many participants were initiated . A Sadabrata at a children home benifitted 1505 children food cloth and kitchen appliances were distributed.

GT Sector
Sao Paulo
One new school started in guarapiranga and the project was funded by local government.

Vegetarian dinner was organized by the unit committee 60 persons came for the veg. Dinner Us $ 150.00 was raised

TV interview with Dada Diipajinananda regarding yoga and meditation and in sect. Office yoga teacher training is going on.

Juiz de for a
6 volunteer working in master unit ding all the activities and management of the master unit.

Dada Arghyabodhanandaji started ideological training 7 margis participate the training.

Cow competition was organized in the region the cow from Master Unit won the 3rd price.

Ananda Kirtana school is running well margis start doing volunteers work in the municipal school an introduce neo humanist system of  education. Muncipal teachers impress with our system of education.

Belo Horizonte
Dada Ranendranandaji started renovation the jagrti for the porpose of starting new activites like yoga classes, yoga teachers training and other activities.

Dada Ranendranandaji is also invited by the association of yoga teacher in Minas Gerais and Dada give lecture for 50 yoga teacher an some of them will take yoga teacher training from dada to learn Ananda Marga system of yoga.

University of peace invited Dada to give lecture too in Hinduism after the lecture they pay Us $ 500.00

Porto Alegre
Dada Hariprananda open a new jagrti in Tacuara a small city near Algere and he will open one in the next city called Gramado. Prabhata Samgiita retreat was also organized 25 persons come for the program.

Public lecture also organized in the park.

Regional retret was organized by the margis committee and Dada Pranadiiptananda. 50 persons came in the retreat and 10 got initiated

Margii studing in the university of Brasilia started a yoga club in the university by giving yoga class an study circle on Baba’s teaching on social philosophy.

In Brasilia jagrti yoga teacher training course and asanas classes is supervised by Dada Pranadiiptananda and Dharma cakra. The number of margiis is increasing at the moment 20 to 25 persons come.

Newly bought jagrti is now open and Asanas, Dharma cakra is already gong on. It was a big house for a new jagrti.

Master unit bought a new 4×4 pick up truck for master unit an Dharma cakra hall was also renovated.

The health food shop is going on well and last retreat 50 persons came.

Tv and radio interview for Didi was organized by the margis and also lectures.

Every Sunday social service activities is going on like distribution of hotmilk and bread and sometimes fruit juices an bread.

Free asanas classes is given free to the public by didi.

HK Sector Oct 2007

Global Prout Conference took place successfully in Yuching master unit with over 250 margiis and 25 acaryas participating on 22nd to 24th Sept 07. From central, Dada Siddhayoganandajii honoured the programme with his experiences -sharing of Baba. Also the conference was honoured to have guest speaker from venuzuela ,Dada Maheshvaranadaji, whose speech and games inspired many . And many Thanks to Taichung margiis & Acaryas including Prout margiis & Acarya Rasabuddhananda for organizing the programe .Yoga and meditation classes are a very popularly taught by  Margiis and Acaryas in Taiwan.Various AM dept/units eg.Publications are doing nice works to promote our idealogy.Prabhat Saungiita Day was celebrated in many units which gave inspiration to the margiis.Dada Rasabuddhanada (CSPU) is giving yoga classes to the blind regularly.SDM had successfully organized  a yoga sutra seminar for teachers which was participated by 150 people.Taipei Jagrti went to the Leprosy centre and Mentally challenged kids home to share love and care.WWD is very active  with classes and activities.1 kindergarten also operates under the wwd.soon a new website will be made available by the AM Foundation  in Taiwan.In Tainan county,7 daysSadhana camp  is successfully organized by Dada Manevendrananda and Didi sananda.Bro .pryadarshii also has  Fasting and children’s camp flowing regularly.The roof of Master Unit will be replaced at the cost of $30,000.WWD MU at Meinong constructed a new house in a natural way and also has reopened the kindergarten with 4 kids by Didi Ananda Suveda.Medial service by Brother Dharmadeva jii regularly held in Kaohsiung jagrti.BP G election was suceesfully completed in most Bhukti of Taipei region.

The number of acaryas in Korea has increased during the last 6 Months and it has enabled an increases in pracar activities as well services.3 Rawa concerts was organized.In Pusan(2nd largest city in Korea) AM participated in a concert which was attended by 800 people.In seoul , there has been cultural programes organized by the Indians and AM participated.Master Unit in korea has made a small construction for accommodation and some children programme is taking place.A retreat took place this month where 15 margiis participated.Korea is also sending a Wt candidate, Sis. Shanti, to Sweden TC.  

Dada Vijitamananda is working nicely  in Kyoto giving asanas and drawing classes. He also held seminars time to time and also had organized a also Retreat which was attended by 20 people. Recently ,Dada Ganadevananda is there doing pracar and also fund-raising for his sector.

During Summer, two main Retreats takes place inviting many participants. Vladivostok (Arsenia) in Far-East Russia had 74 people in the the 7 day Retreat held in the new Master Unit .In Siberia,Altai Mountain, 140 people participated in the 8 days Retreat.There is also small Retreats being organized by the acaryas (Dada Shubhacintananda jii,Dada Dhiirendra and Didi Ananda Manimukta’ ) ,a portion of the WWD MU has been sold to purchase a land in Altai Mountain for WWD MU.Russia have two Wt candidates which one, Bro.Sushanta, is already is in Sweden TC and sis.Anandamayii is waiting legal paper-works (VISA) to be completed before she heads for her destination.

In Povlador city,a lot of new friends of Ananda marga went to the retreat in Siberia.Some learn meditation and the some present margiis became more responsible-oriented .

Dada Muktatmananda visited and gave some classes where margiis are taking care of the jagrti.SS Dada will visit here this month.

SS Dada has inspired some margiis to  take responsibilities to assist in doing pracar in China and  a few margiis has committed to his request.In the month of November, SS Dada together with margii will visit china to see the prospects of work there.

Dada Yogananda has successfully  registered and open a medical clinic costing US $30, 000.Amurt is has also been registered and is doing nice work in Ulanbataar .With the the help of Dada Shubhadhyananda, Pracar and Asanas classes are going regularly in Prout Office/Jagrti.DC is going progressing well.Didi Ananda Kalika is running a big children’s home with 130 kids.12 kids have graduated from Primary school and the Ananda caf- is running well.

Nairobi Sector

Kimbo primary school is expended. We received Ksh 1 million donation from Safaricom and Lions club will also donate funds. Four additional classrooms are being consrtuted.

Permanent feeding program for 300 pupils done daily at ananda Marga Academy in Kangemi Nairobi.

Mahjor renovation of the sctorial office have reached final stage. They are kitchen Dinning room Guest block and additional toilets/ Bathrooms.

Hiv day care center cater to 100 affected children they are given food and education daily.

One Nursery school was opened by Ac. Jayamanungalananda Avt. A Big building that contains 10 rooms is being constructed.

WWD Department
In Mombassa Did Ananda Giitika constructed a big pavilion that contains a stage for big social function. The cost of the project is 2.2 million shillings

In Nakuru MU didi sarvajina had made 70 benches an table for he school. Donation form Singapore.

The Huruma school in Nairobi has been approved as KCPE examination center beginning 2008.

Good News Manila sector

Sanklaburi a border town between Thailand and Myanmar, Ananda Marga runs three projects

1) Children home for girls with 108 inmates.

2) A school run by didis with 260 students,

3) Children home for boys with 50 inmates.

These three projects are attracting the attention of the general public in general and Ananda Marga society member in particular.

Our children boys and girls are receiving the skill training in Mechanical, electrical engineering and sewing training.

A fasting camp was organized in Kuching the capitol of Sawak state in east Malaysia. 50 people attended. This camp gave them health and happiness.

Brother Lokesvara an active margii form Petaling, Java unit. Near kolalampur conducts regular yoga class attended by 80 to 100 students every week. He organized youth camp in the Dusin  resort .

In Hanoi we have 600 yoga students and 45 full time yoga teachers .A yoga conference was organized on October 12 and 13 which attended 177 people . Dada Arnavananda Dada Udvelananda .Dada Sumitananda and Didi Amrita gave  philosophy classes 6 brother  and 11 sisters  took initiation . new amps unit formed in Hanoi city .

A Conference organized in Ho chin minh city  on October 6&7 2007. attended by 120 Margiis ,many participants were initiated . A Sadabrata at a children home benifitted 1505 children food cloth and kitchen appliances were distributed. 

In Him
Acarya Rudrananda Avadhuta
Public Relations Department (Central)
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha

ELFE (from Wikipedia)

English as a lingua franca for Europe, also known by the abbreviation ELFE, is a concept promoted by some linguistics experts [citation needed], which aims to standardise the use of the English language in the European Union. English, in some form or another, is already widely used and understood by people in EU countries, despite it only being spoken natively by a small percentage of those people. However, regional differences in English, as well as peculiarities in spelling, vocabulary and grammar shared with few other European languages, have made learning it more difficult for many Europeans; ELFE does not only aim at making English easier to learn (this is the main objective of other projects as for example “Simple English”): ELFE indicates the development of high level languages for a global society. English is evolving into a more international language,elements of English which it shares with other European languages are being emphasized[citation needed]. ELFE integrates much international expert terminology and uses mostly phrases that are self-explaining. It avoids English expressions that frequently create misundertanding in communication between people from different parts of Europe. ELFE does not necessarily indicate standardisation of English, it also could describe a style that is more suitable for use of English as a European lingua franca.