Dr. Ravi Batra’s interview

This is just a friendly reminder that International Best Selling Author and economist Dr. Ravi Batra will be live to answer your questions about state of US economy. As you all should be concerned about your financial health, please take this opportunity to get your personal questions answered by DR. Batra by calling to the radio station at 972-235-5555 from 6 am to 7 am CST on 104.9 fm (DFW) . Dr. Ravi Batra will be answering questions on state of US economy with US hittign federal debt ceiling of 14.3 trillion dollars. How does it concern all of us. How do we take care of our Investments, retirements, 401k,Mortgages, buy or sell Gold, Holding USD, Maintaining our financial health and how to survive the coming crisis which might be perhaps more seere than the great depression of 1930.

If you have friends back in India and outside Dallas Metroplex, they can listen to Dr. Batra’s interview by tuning in to www.funasia.net from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Indian Standard Time. The one’s in India should also be concerned as India’s trade deficit is rising at an alarming rate and it cannot balance its budget like printing currency like US. As a result, the economic crisis that India might go through due to global recession might be even severe than US. There is suspected property bubble in major cities across India notably Mumbai and Delhi. The ones note from Dallas Metroplex can listen to Dr. Batra’s interview online at www.funasia.net

The number to the radio station is expected to be extremely busy with calls from all. If you want to get your questions answered, please visit the following blog and post your questions so that they will be answered by Dr. Batra. http://alisamana02.wordpress.com/

To know more about Dr. Ravi Batra , please visit www.ravibatra.com

I personally recommend you to please listen to following interview with Dr. Ravi Batra http://www.proutjournal.org/2011/05/875 and ask him questions based on this 36 mins interview. I would also recommend you to read the following article and understadn how US has accumulated a huge national debt http://www.proutjournal.org/2011/05/weapons-of-mass-exploitation

Please spread this word amongst your friends and family members’ financial health who you really care about. I am glad that I was able to find your email address to send this email to you.

Thank You.

Best regards,
Apekshit Mulay (Apek)

An engineer by profession but economist by outlook!!!

Dr. Ravi Batra’s interview

Dr. Ravi Batraji’s interview on Funasia Radio 104.9 FM onFriday, May 27, 2011 from 6 am to 7 am CST. The number to the studio is 972-235-5555 for listeners to call in and ask questions. People around the world can listen to this interview online at www.funasia.net


PROUT interview!

PROUT interview!
May 17, 2011
I want to thank you for visiting my BLOG. This morning our guest was Apekshit, an electrical engineer by trait who feels very passionately about the economic conditions that we are facing today. Apekshit is a student and fan of the National Best Selling Author and Economist of Dr. Ravi Batra (Who will be our guest next Friday).

As you may know, The US Government has hit a debt ceiling and as of yet Congress has not agreed to raise that ceiling. What that means to us is that the US Government cannot borrow anymore money until the congress decides. What is that debt ceiling? It is at 14.3 Trillion Dollars. What is your opinion on our current economic debt?

Anyone that has taken economics has heard of the 2 most popular economic systems, Capitalism and Communism. Apekshit and the organization PROUT suggest a third form of market, a PROUTist society. Apekshit described PROUT as mass capitalism that gives power to the masses. He talked about how 1% of Americans control 95% of America’s wealth. He stated that if the “monopolic Capitalism” is left unchecked it could be destructive? To find out more about PROUT, visit, www.Prout.org. What are your thoughts on PROUT, share them with me in the comment section.

Our guest for next week will be the National Best Selling Author and Economics professor Dr. Ravi Batra. Dr. Batra published his first book in 1978 predicting the fall of Communist Sovient Union and survival of Communist China. He also predicted the .com bubble as well as the housing bubble. He has more predictions that he is going to discuss with us on the show. CLICK HERE to listen to one of Dr. Batra’s interviews. You can also visit www.Ravibatra.com for more information. Tune into 104.9 FM (DFW area) or listen live at www.FunAsia.net next Friday (May 27th 2011) to the Early Morning Show between 6-7AM to hear the interviews live.

PROUT interview!