Global Prout Convention

20th – 22nd November 2009
On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Year of Prout

We are pleased to invite all proutists of the globe to attend the Global Prout Convention in Delhi (India). This is a unique opportunity to get deeper understanding of Prout ideology and work out the methodology for its implementation. The present global economic crisis is much greater than the Great Depression of 1929. Prout (Progressive Utilization Theory) was first propounded by the eminent seer and philosopher of the 20th century Shrii P.R. Sarkar at Jamalpur, Bihar (India) on June 5th 1959 to solve all socio-economic problems of the world.

The atmosphere that develops throughout this convention will take you to a new deeper level of understanding of Prout philosophy through various sessions of workshops, seminars and group discussions led by experienced proutists.

The convention will work out the methodology for creating greater socio-economic awareness and implementation of Prout ideology. Regular bhajan-kiirtans, yoga-meditations, lessons on moral values as well as following workshops:

Panacea for global economic meltdown, decentralized economy, the cooperatives, economic democacry, socio/economic groupifications, leadership, future plans and programs and the organizational structure.

Plus: Open discussion, fine vegetarian food, cultural programs and free time.

What to bring: Blankets and bedsheets, notebook, toiletries and necessary personal belongings.

Delegates desirous to attend the convention are requested to register as soon as possible in order to help facilitate the work of the organizers.

For further information, kindly contact either of the following:

A’c Samverdananda Avt., Office Secretary (PU Delhi Sector)
Proutist Universal, JC-209 Khirki Extn Main Road, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110017
Tel: 0091-11-29543260
Mob: 0091-9334316964, 9211857618

Group meditation followed by a Presentation on PROUT

PROUT a practical system for decentralization and economic democracy

Host:Anahata community

Type: Education – Lecture

Network: Global

Date: Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm

Anahata community
Street:811 Dobbins Farm Rd VA 24091
City/Town: Floyd, VA
View Map




Phone: 5407455811



You are invited to an open meditation group followed by a vegetarian potluck dinner and a Presentation on PROUT by Ac. Dada Shubhacetanananda Avt. (a tantra-yoga monk) entitled “PROUT a practical system for decentralization and economic democracy, at Anahata community, on Sunday August 2nd.
Chanting and meditation -6 p.m.
Vegetarian Potluck – 7 p.m.
PROUT presentation -8 p.m.
Come for any or all of these events, all are welcome